Accounts & Wallets

We distinguish between "accounts" and "wallets" in the thirdweb SDK. We believe this ultimately provides a more predictable and flexible API for developers.

What is an Account?

  • An account always has an address and a way to sign messages, transactions, and typed data.
  • An account is always mapped to exactly one address on the blockchain.
  • An account cannot be "connected" or "disconnected" like a wallet, instead it is often the result of a wallet being connected.

See also: Account (

What is a Wallet?

  • A wallet "contains" one or more accounts.
  • A wallet can be "connected" (often prompting the user for approval) or "disconnected".
  • A wallet cannot independently sign messages, transactions, or typed data, instead, it delegates this to the account(s) it "contains".

Example: Connect a wallet and access an account to send a transaction.

import { sendTransaction } from "thirdweb";
// We use MetaMask wallet as an example, the pattern is the same for all wallets
import { createWallet } from "thirdweb/wallets";
// initialize the wallet, you can pick any of the 300+ wallet connectors supported
// wallet ids are typed, let your TS editor autocomplete them for you
// ex: "io.metamask", "com.coinbase.wallet", "me.rainbow", etc...
const wallet = createWallet("io.metamask");
// connect the wallet, this returns a promise that resolves to the connected account
const account = await wallet.connect({
// pass the client you created with `createThirdwebClient()`
// sign & send a transaction with the account -> returns the transaction hash
const { transactionHash } = await sendTransaction({
// assuming you have called `prepareTransaction()` or `prepareContractCall()` before which returns the prepared transaction to send
// Pass the account to sign the transaction with